Funding from £3,000 - £150,000
A fair price based on your client's business
Funding in as little as 48 hours
Flexible repayments over up to 36 months tailored to business cash flow
Facility Limit: Up to £30,000
Interest Rates: Competitive rates from 2.5% per month
Repayment Terms: Flexible 3-18 months with early repayment option after 3 months
Annual Renewal: 12-month Facility term with options to renew subject to underwriting
Funding from £5,000 - £150,000
Flexible terms up to six years
Secured by an equitable charge over a property
Acceptable security of residential properties across England and Wales
Funding up to £100,000 across a combination of an Unsecured Business Loan and a Revolving Loan Facility